Monday, January 12, 2015

All About Dermafiling

                                             Before & After 8 DermafileTreatments

For the past year I've been teaching my regular clients on a new form of skin resurfacing I offer: Dermafiling. Now that it's officially available for booking, I'd like to tell you about it as well!  This professional exfoliation treatment is comparable, but superior in my opinion, to microdermabrasion. If you've ever had a microderm treatment by an esthetician or nurse, you know how wonderful your skin feels afterward (seriously, if you haven't experienced it before it is wonderful). So why would we need an alternative, you may ask. Well, here is your answer: not every client can receive microdermabrasion due to sensitivity, distended capillaries, and many other reasons. Dermafiling is for everyone who is in need of some resurfacing! Isn't that great- everyone and anyone!
As you can see in the picture above, the Dermafiles are hand tools, not a machine with harsh particles or suction like microderm machines. Since there's no suction used with these babies, I'm actually able to use them over top of an enzyme peel while it's doing magic on your skin (this might only be exciting to an esthy like me, but I promise it's significant ;) )! They come in various "strengths" and are made of surgical steel, which allows them to be 100% sterilized in between clients. I'm able to completely customize a resurfacing treatment by switching between the fine, medium, and coarse files throughout a client's facial to get the absolute best exfoliation possible; I can even get close to eyes, in the crevices around the nose, and file right over the lips. Oh, and did I mention, the head of the Dermafiles are covered in crushed diamonds? That's right- DIAMONDS! I mean, who wouldn't want diamonds used in their next skin treatment?!
Now that you have the anatomy of a Dermafile, let me explain how one of my customized treatments might go:

  • First, as always, you'll have a thorough consultation and skin analysis with me. This critical step helps me determine what issues you're having with your skin, and where they may be stemming from.
  • After a thorough cleanse, an enzyme treatment may be applied (if needed) to your entire face, neck, décolleté, and often tops of hands. Sometimes steam is also incorporated in this step.
  • At this point, I would have the option to file right over your enzyme, or remove it to file on bare skin. This all depends on what I discover in your skin analysis, and how I determine to best treat your skin that day. Typically, I Dermafile the entire face, neck, chest, and tops of hands; additional areas can be added to the treatment, or the back can be done in a separate treatment.
  • Now that your skin is fresh as a baby's booty, you'll have any needed extractions performed and a treatment masque applied to target skin concerns.
  • I always finish with a broad spectrum SPF. After all, we don't want to undo any of that work we just did in your treatment!
And there you have it, beauties! That is a basic Dermafile Treatment from Paige Thompson, Licensed Esthetician. As always, if you have any additional questions (or if I forgot to cover something important), feel free to email me at If your skin is in need of some attention, book your next facial with me at
